viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

I love you mom!

Your arms always open when I want a hug. Your heart understood when I need a friend.Your gentle eyes harden when I need a lesson. Your strength and love will guide me, and so far give me wings to fly. Mother, you're the only person in the world that is always, unconditionally.

If you reject, forgive me. If I'm wrong, you welcome me. If others can not with me, I open a door. If I'm happy, celebrate with me.
If I'm sad, do not smile until I laugh.

You my friend unconditionally. You are who you need, you're my life, my light, my heaven, my air, my reason for living, you're the person I love more than my life, this life which I have born through the love between you and that special to who now call dad.
You are the person able to give all without receiving anything. To love with all your heartwithout expecting anything in return.
As a mother explain what you are, and everything I feel for you, how to explain if I fall short of words to tell you how much I love you and how to explain, if only to me are mymother.
I want to know why until today, since I was born I'm happy, Because you took me in your womb and now take care of me.
Because I'm part of you and you're part of me. Because your love for me was greater than suffering. Because your tenderness has overcome bitterness. Because you alwaysknew love with feeling.

Thanks for being my mother!

Junk food

Junk food is a descriptive term to refer to food that is perceived as unhealthy or low nutritional value, according to agency rules relating to food. It is believed that the term was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest in 1972. Since then, the term has a common use. Junk food contains, in general, high levels of fat, salt or sugar and numerous food additives such as monosodium glutamate and tartrazine. At the same time, often lack of protein, vitamins and fiber, among others. This food is popular with distributors for their relatively inexpensive treatment, has a long expiration date and may not need refrigeration. It is also popular among consumers because of their ease at the time of acquiring it, does not require any preparation or is scarce, it is easy to swallow and has a wide variety of flavors. The junk food consumption is associated with obesity, heart disease, type II diabetes and tooth decay.

whatsapp addiction

The WhatsApp deserves a place in all our hearts, for the thousands of messages that has saved us, but also one of the most hated, and there are many users who have been talking to another human being to talk to smartphone and have forgotten to use it as a tool, making it a little addictive. It is common when someone asks you if you know you whatsapp to call or save because it seems that if you're in another universe whatsapp. Those without WhatsApp are the new outcasts of a generation (we're exaggerating of course). Get ready because like all your friends and you do not have whatsapp more than once they "forget" to warn you. Some do not remember that before we could get with a simple phone at home of our fathers, now have to be connected 24 hours. We do not like.


He was born on September 25, 1968 in Pensylvannia. Of divorced parents, formed a rap group that made songs for amateur radio ads, highlighting the humor in these pieces of music. NBC finished protagonizase calling for a series called "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" that catapulted him to fame while getting to combine the shooting of his first blockbuster, Bad Boys. Today is married to Jada Pinkett and has two children. It is one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood, with 80 million paper.

Will Smith is my favorite actor is very funny and I love his movies.

I also really like his sentences, some of them are:

  • "Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too"
  • "Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like".
  • "You can cry, ain't no shame in it".

Abortion in Islam

The abortion of an embryo of 120 days is considered a murder of a soul that God has made sacred. Was confirmed by the hadith of the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa salam,that breath of the soul is achieved after 120 days. Therefore it is forbidden to abort after this time. In fact, a consensus of experts.

Exception - for the ban - two possibilities:
  • If a medical report confirming that the real life of the mother is in danger if not aborted.
  •  If it is confirmed that the fetus died in utero.

Abortion before this stage (120 days) is also prohibited, although it can not be considered a murder. The test ban is that it is a destruction of the offspring.

Allah says: "When he turns away, walking on this earth to make mischief and destroy crops and progeny and Allah does not love evil.".

Consequently, this case is also prohibited unless confirmed by a medical report that themother's life is in danger because the fetus.Some Ulema have allowed abortion before forty days. But most important is that it is forbidden.The wife must obey her husband, especially since it prohibits any act illegal (abortion).
Given that the Ulema have stated that the husband is forbidden to interrupt intercourseunless you get permission from his wife, justifying it by right of women to have a child!While abortion is especially appropriate to prohibit the husband refuses.

And Allah knows best.


My opinion about drugs is that, although nothing happens for a few drinks or smoking a "joint" from time to time, as you engage you become a loser who can not live without them and use them to get away the real world. Drugs are only to blame for many problems in society such as murder, fighting for settling scores, etc.. and above all seriously jeopardize the life of young people who do not lack for anything: they can study and training for work at home as they make this possible and yet see his life cut short simply because of taking drugs when they are 15 or 16. Is that understandable?. I see more sense in slums in large cities, unfortunately, many young people have in their home environments such drug or alcohol abuse. But what is not understandable or acceptable is that people who do not lack anything and has a lifetime ahead, finish the way the world takes you to finish.